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Crinone 8% gel 15 apps is a progesterone gel suppository. Crinone 8% gel 15 apps ivf fertility (progesterone gel) is a specially formulated vaginal gel that contains the female hormone progesterone.

Crinone 8% gel 15 apps is a progesterone gel suppository. Crinone 8% gel 15 apps ivf fertility (progesterone gel) is a specially formulated vaginal gel that contains the female hormone progesterone.

Progesterone is important for ovulation and menstruation. Progesterone causes changes in the lining of the uterus, making it easier for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus at the beginning of pregnancy. Progesterone then helps maintain the pregnancy until the placenta can provide its own hormonal support.

Crinone 8% gel 15 apps is used in fertility treatment as part of IVF for women unable to get pregnant due to a lack of natural progesterone in the body.

Unlike injectable progesterone, Crinone is applied into the vagina where it adheres to the vaginal walls and is absorbed directly where it is needed. This form of application avoids the local pain associated with intramuscular injections of progesterone.

Crinone Gel - What's Included

Crinone 8% gel 15 apps is supplied in individually sealed applicators. Each applicator is ready to insert into the vagina and the empty applicator should be discarded immediately after application.
The Difference Between US and European Crinone Gel
Crinone Gel on LiveIVF is made by Serono Pharmaceuticals. It is a brand medication, not generic. The drug composition is exactly the same as Crinone Gel in the US but the packaging may vary slightly.

Here's how:

US packaging:
Crinone Gel can be purchased per applicator.
European packaging:
Crinone Gel is packaged in boxes of 15 applicators. LiveIVF does not sell individual applicators.

Crinone Gel Uses & Indications:

This ivf fertility medication is used to treat infertility in women who do not make enough of the natural hormone progesterone. Progesterone works by preparing the lining of the womb to receive a fertilized egg. This hormone is needed to maintain a pregnancy.

This medication is also used to restore menstrual cycles in women whose cycles have stopped.

Crinone Gel Side Effects:

Common side effects include: Bloating, cramps, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, breast swelling/pain, pain around the vaginal area, drowsiness, tiredness, decreased interest in sex, joint pain or headaches.
You may develop a vaginal discharge containing little white balls of gel from using this medication, however, if you develop any unusual vaginal discharge, itching, or odor, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
Serious side effects that require medical attention include: Depression, nervousness, mood swings, swollen feet/ankles, increased urination at night, abnormal vaginal bleeding, breast lumps, yellowing of the eyes or skin, pain/redness/swelling of arms or legs, trouble breathing, chest pain, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, vision changes.
If you develop a rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), experience severe dizziness or have trouble breathing it might be caused by a severe allergic reaction, seek urgent medical attention.

Disclaimer: information taken from <a href=""></a>

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